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Cancer During Pregnancy Not Give Effect on Fetus

Side-Green.Com - Cancer During Pregnancy Not Give Effect on Fetus - Despite the number of cancer patients increasing in recent years, but health experts say, that women who suffer from breast cancer during pregnancy has no effect on the health of her fetus.

As written by Daily Mail, Saturday (08/11/2014), Chairman of Information The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), Philippa Marsden emphasized that breast cancer during pregnancy is rare. But see 1.3 to 2.4 cases per 10,000 live births in the UK, then he can say that chemotherapy is safe after 13 weeks although radiotherapy is not recommended.

"Chemotherapy should not be done during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy because it may cause abnormalities in the baby. But after that, chemotherapy is safe," he said.

Cancer During Pregnancy Not Give Effect on Fetus

Philippa also said the two drugs commonly used by patients with breast cancer as tamoxifen and Herceptin is not recommended during pregnancy. These drugs may be given back to the woman giving birth.

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