Side-Green.Com - 63 Type Bird Species in Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia - Bird watchers in the world is very much incorporated in several clubs and organizations bird lovers. In the UK there are around 2 million people entering as a member of the bird lovers (RSPB). Birdwatchers often traveling around the world for "bird hunting" in nature by observing and recording the various types of wild birds in their natural habitat. They feel happy if I could see a new bird species to be listed somewhere in his diary.
Buton Island offers it for birdwatchers world. In Buton island and surrounding areas there are 63 species of endemic birds. Thus, bird watchers will be treated by the 63 new bird species that they can not see in other countries. This is very fun for them, because they can add to the list of new species of birds in their natural habitat.
Most birds endemic to the island of Buton and surrounding living in or adjacent to the forest. In the region of Buton, Kabaena, and Wakatobi no seabirds are endemic. Sea birds generally have a high cruising areas, and even many of whom often migrate away to other countries. Therefore, most of the seabirds are not included in the list of endemic. Birds that live in the forest, most of the smaller range area. Most of the forest birds on the island of Buton not cross to the other islands such as Kabaena or Wakatobi. Because the more chances of finding a bird endemic to the island of Buton, birdwatchers will be happy to stay longer on the island.
Buton Island offers it for birdwatchers world. In Buton island and surrounding areas there are 63 species of endemic birds. Thus, bird watchers will be treated by the 63 new bird species that they can not see in other countries. This is very fun for them, because they can add to the list of new species of birds in their natural habitat.
Most birds endemic to the island of Buton and surrounding living in or adjacent to the forest. In the region of Buton, Kabaena, and Wakatobi no seabirds are endemic. Sea birds generally have a high cruising areas, and even many of whom often migrate away to other countries. Therefore, most of the seabirds are not included in the list of endemic. Birds that live in the forest, most of the smaller range area. Most of the forest birds on the island of Buton not cross to the other islands such as Kabaena or Wakatobi. Because the more chances of finding a bird endemic to the island of Buton, birdwatchers will be happy to stay longer on the island.
Mainland Buton island still covered by almost half (45%) of natural forests. In this forest area bird watchers usually spoiled by endemic birds. Moreover, Buton Island forest forest vegetation known as "poor" so it looks not too tight. A bird watchers can see the birds in the forest depths rather distant. Several species of endemic birds such as:
- birds eye glass Sulawesi
- chili-gray flanks (Dicaeum celebicum)
- bilbong pastor (Streptocitta albicolis)
- looming Sulawesi (Aceros cassidix)
- starlings tunggir-red (Scissirostrum dubium)
In the villages bordering the forest can be seen hundreds of starlings tunggir-red (Scissirostrum dubium), which is endemic to Sulawesi clan extremely common fly, feed and make nests in trees along (flocking) is often seen alongside a forest.
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