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How to Breeding Bird Murai Batu Bird from Medan Indonesia?

Side-Green.Com - How to Breeding Bird Murai Batu Bird from Medan Indonesia? - Murai Batu is one Kroto eating birds. Murai Batu is a bird of turdidae tribe members who have the ability to chirp very good, with a melodious voice and very varied. The gullwing Murai Batu not only from melodious voice, but also very presentable and attractive style of singing.

Nowadays many hobbyists who intend livestock Murai Batu, because the price is very expensive and profitable. Here's Getting Started How breeding Murai Batu:

How to Select breeders Murai Batu

The first step and that is very important in breeding Murai Batu is selecting candidates broodstock. Choose a good male breeders, namely that have characteristics of loud noises, no physical or mental disability, at least 2 years old, and has been benign, have ideal posture. Choose a good candidate for breeding females that will give good offspring as well, namely that has a good voice and loud, not physically or mentally handicapped, and at least 1 year old.

How to Breeding Bird Murai Batu Bird from Medan Indonesia

How to Select a Location breeding Murai Batu

Choose a location away from the noise or loud voice, which is far from a wide variety of sounds such as the engine, passing people, and other noise.

Preparation Cage breeding Murai Batu

The size of the cage can be adjusted to the location that we have. Healthy cages have good air circulation and sunlight, especially in the morning sun.

Breeding Equipment Murai Batu

The equipment should be prepared of which is the feeding, drinking, bathing, and artificial nests. Food and drink containers should always be filled with food for the supply of bird feed.

Food containers can be made using wood with a size of 10 cm x 10 cm. Bird beverage containers can be purchased at the store bird feed with rather large size.

The most important in breeding Murai Batu is the availability of nest. Nest is not only one, preferably 3 to 4 nests. It was intended that the birds can choose their own. Nest is made with size 20 cm x 20 cm.

Finally do not forget to provide a shower. To birdbath can we use a bucket or plastic tub.

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