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How to Cultivation Red Ginger

Side-Green.Com - How to Cultivation Red Ginger - Ginger (Zingiber officinale), is a type of plant rhizomes are very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Rhizome shaped fingers bulging in the middle sections. The dominant flavor spicy caused ketones named zingeron.

Ginger including Zingiberaceae tribe. The scientific name of ginger is zingiberi given by William Roxburgh, scientists from the Greek, Sanskrit, singaberi.

How to planting red ginger as follows:

How to Cultivation Red Ginger
  1. Make organic growing media.
  2. Create a mixture of soil and fertilizer with a ratio of 1:1.
  3. Enter the soil mixture into a sack with a height of approximately 15 cm high or 1/5 sacks. For ease, before buckling first sack of the upper surface.
  4. Take ginger rhizome and break into 2-3 segments, each segment there are at least 2 buds.
  5. Seedlings are planted 3-5 cm ginger then into the soil in the sack. Each bag can be filled with 2-3 plants.
  6. Create an elongated mound, then place the bag on the mound with a higher position than the surface of the ground. Each mound can be placed 2 -3 lines sacks.

How to Cultivation Red Ginger

How to care very easy red ginger
  1. Do regular watering and routine, morning and evening for about a week, aims to shoot not dry and withered.
  2. Furthermore, once a day watering except in drought conditions watering should be done twice.
  3. Put the ginger plant in open space, aiming to provide adequate sunlight.
  4. At the age of 2-3 months, do backfilling with soil and fertilizer mixture (ratio of soil: fertilizer remains 3: 1) approximately 10 cm high.
  5. Do weeding grass in the planting medium, so as not to interfere with the growth of rhizomes.
  6. Hoarding is done continuously, repeatedly until the ginger plant was around 10-11 months, or until the sacks filled with soil.
  7. The average age of the optimum planting ginger ranged between 8-11 months, marked by the drying of the leaves.
How to Cultivation Red Ginger
With the cropping pattern as above, the expected yield of ginger per sack to reach at least 5 kg.

Red Ginger can be harvested between 8-11 months, with 5-15 kg per sack of red ginger. The selling price of red ginger is Rp. 15,000 - Rp. 20,000 / kg.

How to Cultivation Red Ginger

The benefits of red ginger is:
  1. As an anti-bacterial
  2. Reduce pain and inflammation
  3. Preventing cancer cells
  4. Hangovers trip
  5. Cope with menstrual disorders
  6. Anti-diarrhea and nausea
  7. Anti hyperlipidemia (excess fat)
  8. Blood flow
  9. lowering cholesterol
How to Cultivation Red Ginger

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