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Obesity also can Cause Breast Cancer

Side-Green.Com - Obesity also can Cause Breast Cancer - There are two research which found that obesity can also lead to breast cancer. In this case, obesity lead to high estrogen hormone.

As quoted by FoxNews, Friday (07/11/2014), the first research of the Cancer Prevention Institute of California. They analyzed 3,200 female Hispanic (Hispanics) are obese postmenopausal. The study found that Hispanic women have a higher risk of breast cancer.

The second research, from Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, analyzed 15,000 postmenopausal African American women, who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of breast cancer by 31 percent.

Chairman, Department of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City Dr. David B. Samadi said how obesity can affect breast cancer. He explained that excess estrogen encourages the growth of breast cancer.

Obesity also can Cause Breast Cancer

"High estrogen levels can be affected by fat deposits in the body. The fat woman over the age of 18, and especially between the ages of 50 and 60 are at higher risk of breast cancer. This is because after menopause, the ovaries stop producing hormones. Yet we know , fat cells become a source of estrogen production in the body, "says David.

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