Side-Green.Com - Cendrawasih The Bird of Paradise From East Indonesia - Cendrawasih (Indonesian commonly called), deserves got the title of the Birds of Paradise. Birds of Paradise which is a typical bird of the Papua Island, especially the males, have beautiful feathers like an angel coming down from heaven. Matchless beauty of paradise feathers.
Birds of Paradise is a collection of bird species are grouped in families Paradisaeidae. The bird is only found in eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and eastern Australia consists of 14 kinds and about 43 species. The 30's of species of which can be found in Indonesia.
In Papua, birds of paradise is believed to be the incarnation of an angel from heaven. This bird was once considered a beautiful bird but no legs. They will not turung to the ground but just being in the air just because beautiful feathers. Since then Cenderawasih bird known as Bird of Paradise or Birds of Paradise (Heaven). And some well-known is the naming of the genus Paradisaea derived from the word Paradise.
Description and characteristics of Paradise. Birds of paradise feathers have a beautiful characteristic possessed by male birds. Generally brightly colored feathers with a combination of multiple colors like black, brown, red, orange, yellow, white, blue, green and purple.
Size Cenderawasih bird diversity. Ranging from the size of 15 cm with a weight of 50 grams as the type of Paradise King (Cicinnurus regius), up to a size of 110 cm of Paradise Part Sabit Black (Epimachus albertisi) or weighing up to 430 grams as in Paradise Manukod Jambul-rolled (Manucodia comrii ).
The beauty of the male bird of paradise feathers used to attract the opposite sex. To 'seduce' the female to be willing to be invited mating, males will show off their feathers by performing dances beautifully. While singing in the branches, swaying with the movement of males in different directions. In fact, sometimes up hanging upside down resting on the limb. However, each species of bird of paradise must have its own type of dances.
Bird of Paradise has a dense forest habitat is generally in the low-lying areas. Bird of paradise can be found on several islands in eastern Indonesia such as Maluku and Papua. It can also be found in Papua New Guinea and East Australian.
Cenrawasih consists of 13 genus has about 43 species (kinds). Indonesia is a country with the highest number of species of bird of paradise. Estimated to be about 30 species of bird of paradise can be found in Indonesia. And 28 species of which live on the island of Papua.
Dead Wire paradise bird (Seleucidis melanoleuca) is set as Identity of Fauna Papua province. And some types such as King Paradise, Baldy Paradise, Red Bird Paradise, Toowa Paradise and Small Yellow Bird Paradise, has been included in the list of protected species.
Unfortunately Paradise bird populations are increasingly threatened and endangered due to poaching and illegal trade continued until now.
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Birds of Paradise is a collection of bird species are grouped in families Paradisaeidae. The bird is only found in eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and eastern Australia consists of 14 kinds and about 43 species. The 30's of species of which can be found in Indonesia.
In Papua, birds of paradise is believed to be the incarnation of an angel from heaven. This bird was once considered a beautiful bird but no legs. They will not turung to the ground but just being in the air just because beautiful feathers. Since then Cenderawasih bird known as Bird of Paradise or Birds of Paradise (Heaven). And some well-known is the naming of the genus Paradisaea derived from the word Paradise.
Description and characteristics of Paradise. Birds of paradise feathers have a beautiful characteristic possessed by male birds. Generally brightly colored feathers with a combination of multiple colors like black, brown, red, orange, yellow, white, blue, green and purple.
Size Cenderawasih bird diversity. Ranging from the size of 15 cm with a weight of 50 grams as the type of Paradise King (Cicinnurus regius), up to a size of 110 cm of Paradise Part Sabit Black (Epimachus albertisi) or weighing up to 430 grams as in Paradise Manukod Jambul-rolled (Manucodia comrii ).
The beauty of the male bird of paradise feathers used to attract the opposite sex. To 'seduce' the female to be willing to be invited mating, males will show off their feathers by performing dances beautifully. While singing in the branches, swaying with the movement of males in different directions. In fact, sometimes up hanging upside down resting on the limb. However, each species of bird of paradise must have its own type of dances.
Bird of Paradise has a dense forest habitat is generally in the low-lying areas. Bird of paradise can be found on several islands in eastern Indonesia such as Maluku and Papua. It can also be found in Papua New Guinea and East Australian.
Cenrawasih consists of 13 genus has about 43 species (kinds). Indonesia is a country with the highest number of species of bird of paradise. Estimated to be about 30 species of bird of paradise can be found in Indonesia. And 28 species of which live on the island of Papua.
Dead Wire paradise bird (Seleucidis melanoleuca) is set as Identity of Fauna Papua province. And some types such as King Paradise, Baldy Paradise, Red Bird Paradise, Toowa Paradise and Small Yellow Bird Paradise, has been included in the list of protected species.
Unfortunately Paradise bird populations are increasingly threatened and endangered due to poaching and illegal trade continued until now.
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