Maleo birds on Buton Island brought by Muhammad Ali K. Son of the King of Aden who is married to Princess King Pasai named Sultan Ahmad I or biological father came from the Sultan of Brunei First named Sultan Sulaiman Sharif Ali, who was consecrated in the year 1298 AD.
Muhammad Ali K. is cousins with Musarafatul Izzati Abdullah Al Fakhriy single daughter Badiy Uz-Zamani of Yathrib Medina-Arabia from descendants of Hadrat Ali Bin Abithalib Sire. Adulthood father Al Fakhriy or in Buton known as Wa Kaa Kaa as King Buton All I in 1311-1332 AD.
The question arises: why Al Fakhriy of Medina and Muhammad Ali K. of Pasai up on Buton Island?
Its history is as follows:
Muhammad Ali K. married to Miss King Pasai it heard the news that his uncle Abdullah Uz Badiy Zamani in Yathrib Medina had died so he went to Medina to visit the grave gentlemen will bring his cousin Al Fakhriy. Arriving in Medina, Muhammad Ali K. pilgrimage and hear stories that cousin who had left his father that he had spoken by the son of the Persian king named Baidul Hasan but he would not. So to avoid a subsequent application by the son of the Persian king he agreed to come to Pasai with Muhammad Ali Idrus. But apparently it is known by the Son of the King of Persia that Al Fakhriy it will join his cousin to Pasai, so he proposed again the second time, but Al Fakhriy still reject the smooth application with reasons that he is no intention to have a family. At the time of Muhammad Ali K. were to Johor go marry her only son named Solomon Sharif Ali. Johor Muhammad Ali K. met with the Commander of the Mongolian named Khun Khan Ching which was then ruled by the Mongol emperor named Khubilai Khan. (both Emperor of China and Khun khan Ching called Chinese Islam-Hoe Hoe area of tar-tar with a Dung Kung Sang Hiang and in Buton known by my real name CANGIA). Khun Khan Ching or my real CANGIA run shelter to Johor for having lost the war when he was ordered by the emperor to subjugate the kingdom of Majapahit in East Java).
Maleo birds on Buton Island brought by Muhammad Ali K. Son of the King of Aden who is married to Princess King Pasai named Sultan Ahmad I or biological father came from the Sultan of Brunei First named Sultan Sulaiman Sharif Ali, who was consecrated in the year 1298 AD.
Muhammad Ali K. is cousins with Musarafatul Izzati Abdullah Al Fakhriy single daughter Badiy Uz-Zamani of Yathrib Medina-Arabia from descendants of Hadrat Ali Bin Abithalib Sire. Adulthood father Al Fakhriy or in Buton known as Wa Kaa Kaa as King Buton All I in 1311-1332 AD.
The question arises: why Al Fakhriy of Medina and Muhammad Ali K. of Pasai up on Buton Island?
Its history is as follows:
Muhammad Ali K. married to Miss King Pasai it heard the news that his uncle Abdullah Uz Badiy Zamani in Yathrib Medina had died so he went to Medina to visit the grave gentlemen will bring his cousin Al Fakhriy. Arriving in Medina, Muhammad Ali K. pilgrimage and hear stories that cousin who had left his father that he had spoken by the son of the Persian king named Baidul Hasan but he would not. So to avoid a subsequent application by the son of the Persian king he agreed to come to Pasai with Muhammad Ali Idrus. But apparently it is known by the Son of the King of Persia that Al Fakhriy it will join his cousin to Pasai, so he proposed again the second time, but Al Fakhriy still reject the smooth application with reasons that he is no intention to have a family. At the time of Muhammad Ali K. were to Johor go marry her only son named Solomon Sharif Ali. Johor Muhammad Ali K. met with the Commander of the Mongolian named Khun Khan Ching which was then ruled by the Mongol emperor named Khubilai Khan. (both Emperor of China and Khun khan Ching called Chinese Islam-Hoe Hoe area of tar-tar with a Dung Kung Sang Hiang and in Buton known by my real name CANGIA). Khun Khan Ching or my real CANGIA run shelter to Johor for having lost the war when he was ordered by the emperor to subjugate the kingdom of Majapahit in East Java).
In the history books Wali Songo, Tar-Tar told troops of the Mongol Empire Singosari win time attack. However, on his return from the war the troops passed through the River Fight then pounded out by troops Raden Wijaya founder of the Kingdom of Majapahit, so it forces the Tar-tar fled in disarray and many died and his commander named Khun Khan Ching save themselves fled to Johor.
Muhammad Ali K. besides met with Khun Khan Ching in Johor, also met with a volunteer named Sang Ria Rana, then after the wedding ceremony of her Son in Johor finished, two friends were invited to Pasai and they agree. Arriving at his cousin Muhammad Ali K. pasai named Al Fakhriy convey that the Persian king sent a messenger to his son with him but melamarkan Al Fakhriy smooth and then rejected by the King of Persia and even then became angry and threatened to take forcibly Al Fakhriy to Pasai. Finally Al Fakhriy invites his cousin Muhammad Ali Idrus to get out of Pasai and Muhammad Ali K. was conferred with both his friend and agreed to be out leaving Pasai by driving a ship called the Magela Hein's. Perjalananpun aimlessly toward the eastern region and ended up stranded on the island of Buton precisely in Sorawolio.
After arriving in Sorawolio, the four parted; Khun Khan Ching and the Ria Rana headed to Tobe-Tobe Buton, being his cousin Muhammad Ali Idrus heading Maligano Buton to bring Bird Maleo or in Buton language known as Bird Mamua. This bird brought from Palembang when while visiting his son named Sayid Lillah from children at his second wife named Embo Endang. It turned out that after removing Bird Maligano maleo in North Buton, Muhammad Ali K. married there with Princess sangia Pure-Pure named Wa Birah. From the marriage of Muhammad Ali K. Wa Birah with whom she had a daughter named Wa Nambo Yitonto or title name Wa Sala Bose. At that time in Maligano Muhammad Ali Idrus was named Lakina Maligano which is currently based on this history has been immortalized into a village Maligano, Ronta Muna.
While cousin named Al Fakhriy who live in Sorawolio he be imprisoned for 13 years in a bamboo grove tolang and after 13 years he was imprisoned and then discovered by two companions named Khun Khan Ching or Dung Kung Sang Sang Ria Hiang and Rana, which when it accidentally second friend is looking for bamboo tolang to want to be the trap fishing in the sea. At the time before Al Fakhriy found in the bamboo grove tolang, dogs brought by the Ria Rana barking because he saw something in the bamboo grove tolang but both are still her best friend bamboo cutting and hair on Al Fakhriy who was imprisoned until the voice sounds Kaa Kaa because Princess Al Fakhriy hair slightly hit snag a machete. Based on this discovery and the cry is that the two companions gave the name Al Fakhriy as Wa Kaa Kaa and he too when it becomes a powerful woman after the mandraguna through the Hermitage during the 13 years.
Magic woman named Wa Kaa Kaa widened even this gaunya nowhere to be heard by 4 (four) people Buton also their powerful rulers namely Si Panjonga ruling in Tobe-Tobe, Si Malui ruling in Kamaru, Si Jawangkati ruling in Wasuemba and Si Tamanajo ruling in Mount Lambelu known as mountain Kamasope.
Panjonga Si and Si Tamanajo derived from the Malay-Pasai, whereas Si and Si Jawangkati Malui derived from Pariaman, West Sumatra. The foursome are the descendants of the people magic mandraguna guardian gods came to the island of Buton on supernatural guidance and in groups roughly 1236 AD.
Upon hearing the news that there was an ascetic woman Sorawolio unseen, the ruler kermpat pick him up by bringing Wa kaa Kaa with a stretcher next to the Palace under Sipanjonga in Tobe-Tobe and now immortalized Tobe-Tobe it became palace Buton. And place the first foot stomp Wa Kaa Kaa-shaped hole mouth female models and immortalized into a swearing-in ceremony of the Kings or Sultans in Buton and the hole is still biased found located right behind the Great Mosque of Sultan Buton and Wa Kaa Kaa was when it was crowned the first King of Buton.
From the description above history, it is clear that the origin of the existence of the current Maleo bird species is basically `highly protected by the government and enter the RDB (Red Data Book) exist only on the island of Buton, and to date has evolved throughout Sulawesi.
In a survey conducted in 1979 to determine the Maleo bird habitats, in Southeast Sulawesi, there are three areas, namely in Buton Bubu north where the beaches of black sand, on the beach in Cape Kolono maligano and South Konawe. But unfortunately many eggs are taken by people who are not responsible where custody is also less intensive, so the development of the less well Maleo bird.
One more anthropological story of human and wildlife are etched as historical actors in Buton Island in his day and further research is needed in axiological relationships between humans and ethmologis atropologis man who inhabit the island of Buton past relationship with the pedigree of nations in the world, including the constellation of wildlife . For experts arkiologis, contemporary anthropological, and historical ethnologis now you all are challenged to be able to uncover parts of the story to the development of science and historical treasures of Indonesia for our children in the future.
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