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Practicing Tai Chi can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Side-Green.Com - Practicing Tai Chi can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer - A research from the University of California, Los Angeles, shows that practicing Tai Chi can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Reporting from Medical News Today on Friday (07/11/2014), the research was done between 2007 until 2013. Among that years, the researchers analyzed blood samples from 90 participants aged between 30-85 before and after they practice Tai Chi.

In addition to reducing the risk of cancer, this research also showed other benefits of practicing Tai Chi.

"When people practice Tai Chi, there is a decrease of stress in the hormone system," Dr. Michael Irwin said, one of the researchers.

Practicing Tai Chi can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

In addition, there are also benefits of Tai Chi for the regularity of sleep.

"Before I could stay awake until 06.00 am. But, after two sessions of practicing Tai Chi, my insomnia has began decrease. I just feel peace," said Linda Tucker, one of the participants.

Other studies have even shown the benefits of Tai Chi can slow the aging process.

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