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How to grow chillies in a polybag

Side-Green.Com - How to grow chillies in a polybag - Chili is one of the agricultural commodities whose prices fluctuate. Especially before major holidays such as new year, the price of chili is definitely soaring. It is the lure people to grow chillies, whether for sale or to meet the needs of their own kitchen. Unfortunately for those who live in urban availability of arable land is very limited. But this can be circumvented by planting chillies in pots or polybags.

How to grow chillies in pots or polybags pretty easy to do. Chilli plant can be done either in the highlands and the lowlands. In general plant chilies can be done at an altitude of 0-2000 meters above sea level. The optimal temperature for chilli plants exist in the range of 24-27oC, but still can withstand temperatures over it. The properties depend on the type of chilli varieties.

One type of chili that is suitable for planting in the garden is kerting chili. This type is relatively more resistant to tropical climate and spicy taste much favored in the market. Here we describe how to grow chillies curling in a polybag.

Selection of Seed

In the market many different varieties of chilli curly, ranging from hybrid to local varieties. How to plant a local chili and hybrids do not have a significant difference. Only a few hybrid chilli recommended products treated with certain drugs. Many hybrid varieties imported from Taiwan and Thailand, while the local variety widely grown in Apex, Holy, until Tanah Karo, North Sumatra Indonesia.

Currently there are local varieties selection result, productivity is better than local varieties without selection. The seeds are sold in cans like slap produced Sang Hyang Sri. From a technical standpoint, how to grow chillies local curling simpler and anti complicated than how to plant hybrid chili. More adaptive local chili with chili kondidi than hybrid environment. It's just that productivity is still less than the hybrid.

How to grow chillies in a polybag


How to grow chillies in polybag should not be done directly from the seed or seed. First of all chilli seeds should be sown in advance. The seeding process for selecting the growth of the seed point, separating the seeds that grow stunted, deformed or diseased. In addition, to wait until enough readiness resistant seedlings are planted in a bigger place.

How to grow chillies in a polybag

Polybag nursery can be a small size (8 × 9 cm), banana leaf, tray (tray) nursery, or a plot of land. To see more details please read how to create a media hotbed. The most economical way is to prepare a plot of land for nursery media.

Create plot of land with sufficient size, mix the compost with the soil and mix until blended. Granular soil is made as smooth as possible so that the roots can penetrate easily. Create a plot of the thickness of 5-10 cm, above create an array with a distance of 10 cm.

Enter chilli seeds in the bolt with a distance of 7.5 cm and then flush to wet the soil and cover with dust or soil. After that, cover with wet burlap sacks for 3-4 days, keep that remain wet burlap sack. On the 4th day of the seedlings will emerge from the soil surface, then open the sack. Should map the ditudungi with transparent plastic to protect young seedlings chilli from overheating and direct rain water spray. Chilli ready to be moved into a big polybag after 3-4 weeks old, or plants already have 3-4 leaves.

Preparation of Planting Media

Select polybag size above 30 cm, so that the planting medium strong enough to support the growth of green chilli plants. Besides polybag, can also be used pots of plastics, cement, soil, or ceramic. Or you can also use containers that are not used anymore former, give the holes on the bottom of the container for drainage.

How to grow chillies in a polybag could use a planting medium from a mixture of soil, compost, manure, rice husk, rice husk, and others. Please read how to make a planting medium polybag for more detail.

Some examples include the planting medium composition (1) Mixed soil with compost with composition 2: 1, (2) Mixed soil, manure, and rice husk with composition 1: 1: 1, or (3) A mixture of soil and manure with composition of 2: 1. When using manure, you should select a fertilizer that has matured. See the type and characteristics of manure.

Create a planting medium as smooth as possible by sift. Mix about 3 tablespoons of NPK in each polybag. Stir until the mixture is completely blended. Coat the inside polybag with coconut husk, broken tile, or fractional styrofoam. Point so that water does not inundate the root zone of plants.

Transplanting Seedlings

Once the plant seeds and planting medium are ready, remove the seeds from the chilli plant nursery into a polybag. Perform this work in the morning or late afternoon, when the sun is not too hot to avoid stress on the plant.

How to grow chillies in a polybag

Do transplanting with caution, lest damage to the plant roots. Make the planting hole at a depth of 5-7 cm polybag. If done on a polybag nursery or banana leaves, banana leaves dislodged polybag and then enter all the land of the nursery into the planting hole. If the nursery is done in the above plot of land or a tray, remove the soil attached to the roots and enter into the planting hole.

Keeping and Care of Plant
  1. Fertilization, provide additional fertilization with NPK dose of one tablespoon per polybag each month. Or if you want to grow organically chilli, instead spray a liquid organic fertilizer during the growth of leaves and fruit growth. Add a lump of compost or manure goat when plants would bear fruit.
  2. Watering, chilli plants should be watered at least 3 days. If the sun was shining, flush the plants every day.
  3. After the chilli plants grow to about 20 cm, provide bamboo stake. This marker is useful to sustain the plants to stand upright.
  4. Young shoots that grow in axillary should be eliminated (dirompes). Perompesan begins on the 20th day after planting, perompesan usually done three times until the establishment of the branch. Point for the plants to grow laterally when the trunk is not too strong sustain.
  5. Pests and diseases, pesticide use should only be done if the plant looks pests or illness. When it seems there is a white pest spray with Pesticides, if it appears there will be a caterpillar spray with insecticide to taste, if visible mildew fungicide use. To cultivate organic cayenne use natural pesticides, please look at how to create an organic pesticide.
How to grow chillies in a polybag

Age chili from start planting until harvest varies depending on the varieties and the environment. The best harvest time is when the fruit is fully red yet, there is still the green line. Fruits like this already in optimal weight and chilies can still hold 2-3 days before sold by vendors in the market. Time of harvest should be done in the morning after the dew to dry. Avoid harvest time at night and during the day.
How to grow chillies in a polybag

This tutorial how to grow chillies applied to the small-scale farming or yards. Can be applied also to vertikultur agricultural or urban farming. May be useful.

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