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How to Prune Tomato Shoots

Side Green - How to Prune Tomato Shoots - When planting tomatoes, its main purpose is to generate as much ripe fruit. If we plant a variety of non-determination, such as varieties of big boy, beef master, and heirloom, pruning is done to eliminate unwanted shoots and ensure all the nutrients for plants only. If we plant a variety of determination, such as the Biltmore varieties, Heinz, and patios, if too much trimming is counterproductive. Consider the following steps to learn how to prune tomato plants sprout.

1. Determine Tomato Varieties

Before you begin, we must determine which varieties will be planted. Here is commonly cultivated varieties:
  • Not Determination: Variety Big Boy, Beef Master, Black Prince, German Queen, most varieties of cherry tomatoes and heirloom varieties.
  • Determination: Varieties Ace 55, Amelia, Better Bush, Biltmore, Heatmaster, Heinz Classic, Mountain Pride, Patio
2. Monitor Plants of parasite and pest Disorders

How to Prune Tomato Shoots

Parasite will take energy from the rest of the plant and make tomato plants produce small fruit. Although it is not always bad, however, eliminate the parasites will help tomato produce large fruit throughout the season.

3. Cut unwanted shoots

Prune, no matter the type of tomato varieties we planted. Prune all shoots that are below the first flower cluster, so that the plants grow sturdy stems. The goal is to ensure all the nutrients absorbed by the fruit, and not wasted.

Prune all shoots during the summer to keep the plants healthy. Buds may be growing rapidly, so we had to cut it once or twice a week.

4. Remove the tomatoes, reserving 4-5 only

Discard fruit and fruit that are leaving 4-5 on the branches that grow from the main stem above the first flower cluster. Four or five pieces will produce great fruit and healthy. If more than that, then the fruit will be small and less than perfect. Choose 4 or 5 branches as a solid backbone to keep the fruit, then remove all the shoots that edge-edge, and let the top intact.

Remove all branches that spread so as not to interfere with the process of expansion of tomato flowers. If not, it will spread like a bush that will grow in the ground and will not produce healthy tomatoes.

5. Remove the Yellowish leaves

Yellowish leaves are leaves that use more glucose than he produces. As the plants grow large, the bottom leaves will naturally begin to turn yellow and wilt. It is normal, so get rid of them when they begin to appear. It will keep them healthy and avoid illness remain fresh.

6. Focus On The Top Of Tomato Plants

To obtain maximum results at the end of the growing season, it is necessary to establish the top of his tomato plants. About a month before winter arrives or when the plants reach the top of the home planting, remove all shoots connection, so that the tomatoes will grow with limited time to achieve perfect condition, so all nutrients should be directed entirely to pieces.
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