Side Green - Effect of Pruning on Tomato Plants - Pruning is done to obtain the ideal plant canopy and to get more fruit, regardless of whether or not the quality of the fruit. Pruning aims to reduce the buds and shoots of plants, so that the fruit can grow optimally. On tomato plants that are too dense hard distribute nutrients, so the fruit becomes stunted and longer maturation process. In addition, pruning is also useful to reduce pests and diseases.
Plant growth is influenced by various factors, among others, is a plant growth regulator (PGR) in plants (plant regulator). Examples of growth regulators that include auxin. Auxin is formed at the tip of the coleoptile or stems and roots are functioning at the apical bud elongation (first shoots that grow fast), as a result of apical dominance, ie inhibition of the growth of lateral shoots (axillary buds). To the apical bud pruning should be done so that the lateral shoots can grow.
The growth of lateral buds give rise to the formation of the stem branches are pretty much on the main stem armpit. On the other hand pruning shoot apical stem cause stunted shoot growth so that the plant is not too high and has many branches so that the formation of much interest. Abnyak interest can be interpreted as a good crop.
Pruning Techniques
Known for fruit trees pruning techniques aim to maintain health and increase the production of fruit trees, pruning is able to retain moisture so it is not susceptible to plant pests and diseases (Anonymous, 2002). There are several ways of pruning is the primary branch pruning, trimming and pruning maintenance rejuvenation. And the other side of the pruning is done in the rejuvenation will delay the harvest because the plants need time for rehabilitation. Judging from plant physiological aspects, such pemangkasa accompanied by cleaning all components for assimilation is something very drastic and will lead to stagnation subsequent growth (Zulkifli Hasan, 2001)
Pruning can encourage faster growth of new shoots, which has the potential to bloom. The results showed that pruning in addition to improving the results of interest also can improve the appearance or quality of the flowers and plants become better figure but can also hold a flower production decreases. (Satsijah, 2008).
Lateral buds are subject observer correlation by apical bud apical buds trimmed sehungga if only the uppermost lateral shoots that grow fast so denagn basal shoots remain terhambat.Penghambatan lateral buds depends on the concentration of auxin hormone given to the cut stem surface. A provision of exogenous auxin on a plant that is cut will stimulate prtumbuhan plant shoots (Wilkins, 2004). The dominance of the pruning shoots can be removed. Auxin shaped rod tip and the tip of the root from where he moved to another part of the final outcome of the plant auxin concentration associated with pruning. Growth and tissue differentiation and tools (Anonymous, 2010)
To get the tomatoes are uniform only maintains two main branches that grow on the main stem. After growing a few leaves of tomato plants usually will form two branches and shoots that grow on the segment-branching. Shoots that grow on the branches maintained excision. Cutting the shoots that grow on branching is done and should be able to distinguish whether the growth is a candidate buds or flowers. If the candidate is growing interest not to do the cutting when the buds are still small. (Anonymous, 2009)
Discussion on plant shoots done by breaking the apical dominance so pruning effect on plant growth because it cuts an act of throwing the shoot apical to encourage the plant to branch off a lot. Shoots that are dipucuk stems trimmed so that shoots in the armpit leaves appear. Shoots that are dipucuk is the center of the formation of auxin and auxin will spread goto after trimming the stems of plants and encourage the emergence of lateral buds. If the lateral shoots the more it will obtain maximum production. The number of lateral shoots on tomato plants are pruned as treatments are all much more compared to the control plants. It is caused by various factors such as genetic factors plant itself; environmental factors such as light, moisture, organic matter, CO2 and treatment factors such as fertilization in early planting and maintenance.
Pruning Tomato Plants
Tomato (Solanum licopersium) is a herbaceous plant in the form of a year and included in the family Solanaceae. Tomatoes can be grown anywhere, either in the highlands (mountains) or lowland. Necessary condition for petumbuhan is loose soil, nest (slightly containing sand), fertile (many containing humus or topsoil). Little clay containing sand is most favored by the degree of acidity (pH 5-6). Tomatoes are sensitive to nutrients in the soil that little excess or deficiency, especially nitrogen (Rukmana, 1994).
Pruning is done to determine the effect of pruning fertilizer on growth and yield of plants, as well as to determine the acceleration pertmbuhan shoots between tomato plants in trim or not. Pruning Pruning is intended to be acquired large pieces and cook faster. Pruning is done once or twice a month, namely by cutting the shoots or branches on the main stem third, or fifth branch of the second branch of the left alive. Pruning tomato plants can be done in two ways, namely young shoots trimming and thinning (Anonymous, 2010)
Effect of pruning on the growth of plants through poorer shoots very influential, after doing the trimming process of the emergence of shoots faster and to take nutrients from the soil does not compete with the tomato plant leaves. In principle pruning will stimulate the formation of vegetative shoots that wider ramifications field and allow to increase the production. Results of research on the effects of various pruning, new shoots formed two weeks after pruning and trimming the budding phase in his right where every tree is pruned then produce more shoots (Purbiati, 1993).
On tomato plants treated with growth of shoots with each one shoots at each treatment plant, while the tomato plants in the control treatment with no pruning did not occur in the growth of shoots.
Effect of pruning In Tomato Plants
Sink-source balance necessary for plants during fruit development phase. The formation of the reproductive organs is a very critical phase requires quite a lot of energy from a network source. Control of sink-source ratio becomes very important for high-energy crops such as nut.
The process of photosynthesis that occurs in the leaves produce assimilates used for growing fruit and also contribute to the quality of the fruit. Both the number and size of leaf area, a source (source) assimilates interact with fruit that is user organ assimilates (sink). Therefore, the optimum fruit size with good quality requires a ratio of leaves / certain fruit. But in fact the leaves can not be increased in number, thus setting the ratio leaf / fruit is only possible through a reduction in the amount of fruit.
Source is the organ that synthesizes and export substances such as carbohydrates (leaves, phloem, young fruit, and green stems) and hormones (shoots, roots, and seeds). Sink is the organ that importing and using or storing a substance such as carbohydrates (grains, meat fruit, roots, shoots that grow). On tomato plants, the source (source) can be leaves, phloem, young fruit, and green stems. While the bottom (sink) the most dominant on tomato plants in storing carbohydrates are fruits.
Reduction or fruit arrangement will increase the ratio of leaf-fruit through increased leaf area available to each fruit is allowed to continue to grow and thrive. If the number of pieces in many conditions in a plant, it will cause some changes such as reduced carbohydrate content, the size and weight of fruit, fruit quality components seta. Moreover, it will cause the amount of fruit for the next harvest is lowered. Poerwanto (2004) states that fruit thinning is often done by farmers to optimize the quality of the fruit.
In the treatment of fruit thinning, leaf ratio of the number of pieces of fruit increased resulting in more optimal growth and reduced competition in getting assimilate. This will increase fruit size, soluble solids content and dry weight of fruit. According Saladin (2002) on tomato plants cultivated strains IPB Hope in the field, with fruit thinning can reduce the percentage of deciduous fruit per plant from 58.6% to 34.57%. Competition fruit in getting fotosintat vanishingly small with a limited number of pieces that can reduce the level of fruit fall.
Pruning is a technique to adjust the shape of the plant in order to grow new shoots and allowed to harvest in certain production level (Atmosoedarjo et al, 2000). Functionally pruning will reduce production capacity of carbohydrates causing impaired root growth and affects plant growth (Edmond et al, 1964). Trimming the tomato has the advantage of faster ripe fruit, increasing the initial harvest and the total harvest, reduce pests and diseases, and facilitate greater fruit harvesting and spraying pesticides (Thompson and Kelly, 1957).
Wartapa et al. (2009) stated that pruning is one way to spur growth, overhaul pile of carbohydrates which are reserved for generative growth, but it is used for the formation of buds and flower formation. Fruit thinning relative to accelerate the harvest, it is possible to decrease the thinning will occur auxin levels in young tissue. As noted Sunaryono (1977), that pruning tomato plants can accelerate flowering earlier. Where the amount of fruit is associated with a number of branches tanaman.pengaturan number of branches can provide the most amount of fruit. This is because each of the main branches will form a string of fruit.
Lewis (1990) says that pruning can maintain a balance between growth and fruit branches. The number of branches on tomato plants will affect the quality of the fruit and seed quality. Branch plants are possible quality of the fruit and the seed can be increased. Assimilate fully formed can be stored in the fruit and seeds become larger, thus affecting the quality of the fruit or seed. Conversely, if the number of branches in many tomato plants, then assimilates widely used for the growth of new shoots, so that assimilates stored in the fruit or seeds to be reduced and subsequently cause asimilay stored on fewer fruits and seeds. Therefore assimilates stored fruit or seed a little, can lead to decreased quality of the fruit or seed. This has been proven in research Melulosa (2002), tomato plants with two main branches of fruit weight and size give the best.
Plant growth is influenced by various factors, among others, is a plant growth regulator (PGR) in plants (plant regulator). Examples of growth regulators that include auxin. Auxin is formed at the tip of the coleoptile or stems and roots are functioning at the apical bud elongation (first shoots that grow fast), as a result of apical dominance, ie inhibition of the growth of lateral shoots (axillary buds). To the apical bud pruning should be done so that the lateral shoots can grow.
The growth of lateral buds give rise to the formation of the stem branches are pretty much on the main stem armpit. On the other hand pruning shoot apical stem cause stunted shoot growth so that the plant is not too high and has many branches so that the formation of much interest. Abnyak interest can be interpreted as a good crop.
Pruning Techniques
Known for fruit trees pruning techniques aim to maintain health and increase the production of fruit trees, pruning is able to retain moisture so it is not susceptible to plant pests and diseases (Anonymous, 2002). There are several ways of pruning is the primary branch pruning, trimming and pruning maintenance rejuvenation. And the other side of the pruning is done in the rejuvenation will delay the harvest because the plants need time for rehabilitation. Judging from plant physiological aspects, such pemangkasa accompanied by cleaning all components for assimilation is something very drastic and will lead to stagnation subsequent growth (Zulkifli Hasan, 2001)
Pruning can encourage faster growth of new shoots, which has the potential to bloom. The results showed that pruning in addition to improving the results of interest also can improve the appearance or quality of the flowers and plants become better figure but can also hold a flower production decreases. (Satsijah, 2008).
Lateral buds are subject observer correlation by apical bud apical buds trimmed sehungga if only the uppermost lateral shoots that grow fast so denagn basal shoots remain terhambat.Penghambatan lateral buds depends on the concentration of auxin hormone given to the cut stem surface. A provision of exogenous auxin on a plant that is cut will stimulate prtumbuhan plant shoots (Wilkins, 2004). The dominance of the pruning shoots can be removed. Auxin shaped rod tip and the tip of the root from where he moved to another part of the final outcome of the plant auxin concentration associated with pruning. Growth and tissue differentiation and tools (Anonymous, 2010)
To get the tomatoes are uniform only maintains two main branches that grow on the main stem. After growing a few leaves of tomato plants usually will form two branches and shoots that grow on the segment-branching. Shoots that grow on the branches maintained excision. Cutting the shoots that grow on branching is done and should be able to distinguish whether the growth is a candidate buds or flowers. If the candidate is growing interest not to do the cutting when the buds are still small. (Anonymous, 2009)
Discussion on plant shoots done by breaking the apical dominance so pruning effect on plant growth because it cuts an act of throwing the shoot apical to encourage the plant to branch off a lot. Shoots that are dipucuk stems trimmed so that shoots in the armpit leaves appear. Shoots that are dipucuk is the center of the formation of auxin and auxin will spread goto after trimming the stems of plants and encourage the emergence of lateral buds. If the lateral shoots the more it will obtain maximum production. The number of lateral shoots on tomato plants are pruned as treatments are all much more compared to the control plants. It is caused by various factors such as genetic factors plant itself; environmental factors such as light, moisture, organic matter, CO2 and treatment factors such as fertilization in early planting and maintenance.
Pruning Tomato Plants
Tomato (Solanum licopersium) is a herbaceous plant in the form of a year and included in the family Solanaceae. Tomatoes can be grown anywhere, either in the highlands (mountains) or lowland. Necessary condition for petumbuhan is loose soil, nest (slightly containing sand), fertile (many containing humus or topsoil). Little clay containing sand is most favored by the degree of acidity (pH 5-6). Tomatoes are sensitive to nutrients in the soil that little excess or deficiency, especially nitrogen (Rukmana, 1994).
Pruning is done to determine the effect of pruning fertilizer on growth and yield of plants, as well as to determine the acceleration pertmbuhan shoots between tomato plants in trim or not. Pruning Pruning is intended to be acquired large pieces and cook faster. Pruning is done once or twice a month, namely by cutting the shoots or branches on the main stem third, or fifth branch of the second branch of the left alive. Pruning tomato plants can be done in two ways, namely young shoots trimming and thinning (Anonymous, 2010)
Effect of pruning on the growth of plants through poorer shoots very influential, after doing the trimming process of the emergence of shoots faster and to take nutrients from the soil does not compete with the tomato plant leaves. In principle pruning will stimulate the formation of vegetative shoots that wider ramifications field and allow to increase the production. Results of research on the effects of various pruning, new shoots formed two weeks after pruning and trimming the budding phase in his right where every tree is pruned then produce more shoots (Purbiati, 1993).
On tomato plants treated with growth of shoots with each one shoots at each treatment plant, while the tomato plants in the control treatment with no pruning did not occur in the growth of shoots.
Effect of pruning In Tomato Plants
Sink-source balance necessary for plants during fruit development phase. The formation of the reproductive organs is a very critical phase requires quite a lot of energy from a network source. Control of sink-source ratio becomes very important for high-energy crops such as nut.
The process of photosynthesis that occurs in the leaves produce assimilates used for growing fruit and also contribute to the quality of the fruit. Both the number and size of leaf area, a source (source) assimilates interact with fruit that is user organ assimilates (sink). Therefore, the optimum fruit size with good quality requires a ratio of leaves / certain fruit. But in fact the leaves can not be increased in number, thus setting the ratio leaf / fruit is only possible through a reduction in the amount of fruit.
Source is the organ that synthesizes and export substances such as carbohydrates (leaves, phloem, young fruit, and green stems) and hormones (shoots, roots, and seeds). Sink is the organ that importing and using or storing a substance such as carbohydrates (grains, meat fruit, roots, shoots that grow). On tomato plants, the source (source) can be leaves, phloem, young fruit, and green stems. While the bottom (sink) the most dominant on tomato plants in storing carbohydrates are fruits.
Reduction or fruit arrangement will increase the ratio of leaf-fruit through increased leaf area available to each fruit is allowed to continue to grow and thrive. If the number of pieces in many conditions in a plant, it will cause some changes such as reduced carbohydrate content, the size and weight of fruit, fruit quality components seta. Moreover, it will cause the amount of fruit for the next harvest is lowered. Poerwanto (2004) states that fruit thinning is often done by farmers to optimize the quality of the fruit.
In the treatment of fruit thinning, leaf ratio of the number of pieces of fruit increased resulting in more optimal growth and reduced competition in getting assimilate. This will increase fruit size, soluble solids content and dry weight of fruit. According Saladin (2002) on tomato plants cultivated strains IPB Hope in the field, with fruit thinning can reduce the percentage of deciduous fruit per plant from 58.6% to 34.57%. Competition fruit in getting fotosintat vanishingly small with a limited number of pieces that can reduce the level of fruit fall.
Pruning is a technique to adjust the shape of the plant in order to grow new shoots and allowed to harvest in certain production level (Atmosoedarjo et al, 2000). Functionally pruning will reduce production capacity of carbohydrates causing impaired root growth and affects plant growth (Edmond et al, 1964). Trimming the tomato has the advantage of faster ripe fruit, increasing the initial harvest and the total harvest, reduce pests and diseases, and facilitate greater fruit harvesting and spraying pesticides (Thompson and Kelly, 1957).
Wartapa et al. (2009) stated that pruning is one way to spur growth, overhaul pile of carbohydrates which are reserved for generative growth, but it is used for the formation of buds and flower formation. Fruit thinning relative to accelerate the harvest, it is possible to decrease the thinning will occur auxin levels in young tissue. As noted Sunaryono (1977), that pruning tomato plants can accelerate flowering earlier. Where the amount of fruit is associated with a number of branches tanaman.pengaturan number of branches can provide the most amount of fruit. This is because each of the main branches will form a string of fruit.
Lewis (1990) says that pruning can maintain a balance between growth and fruit branches. The number of branches on tomato plants will affect the quality of the fruit and seed quality. Branch plants are possible quality of the fruit and the seed can be increased. Assimilate fully formed can be stored in the fruit and seeds become larger, thus affecting the quality of the fruit or seed. Conversely, if the number of branches in many tomato plants, then assimilates widely used for the growth of new shoots, so that assimilates stored in the fruit or seeds to be reduced and subsequently cause asimilay stored on fewer fruits and seeds. Therefore assimilates stored fruit or seed a little, can lead to decreased quality of the fruit or seed. This has been proven in research Melulosa (2002), tomato plants with two main branches of fruit weight and size give the best.