Side Green - 7 Fruits and Vegetables Healthier Without Peeled - Fruits and vegetables has always been known to have very many benefits for health and beauty. But unfortunately sometimes many do not know how to eat properly. So we can not feel the real benefits of fruits and vegetables.
Certain types of fruit and vegetables actually do not have to peel. Because in the skin contains a variety of nutrients that able to make healthy your body. It is as reported from, a nutrition expert Katie Cayuto, RD, providing descriptions of several specific types of fruit and vegetables to be eaten, should not be peeled.
Here are fruits and vegetables that do not need to be peeled before eating:
1. Potatoes
If you eat potatoes, you should know is that we should not peel the skin. Because the skin is contained in B vitamins and trace minerals. In addition, the fiber content was present in the skin. Preferably, the potatoes to be cooked, cleaned her skin, without having to peel.
Certain types of fruit and vegetables actually do not have to peel. Because in the skin contains a variety of nutrients that able to make healthy your body. It is as reported from, a nutrition expert Katie Cayuto, RD, providing descriptions of several specific types of fruit and vegetables to be eaten, should not be peeled.
Here are fruits and vegetables that do not need to be peeled before eating:
1. Potatoes
If you eat potatoes, you should know is that we should not peel the skin. Because the skin is contained in B vitamins and trace minerals. In addition, the fiber content was present in the skin. Preferably, the potatoes to be cooked, cleaned her skin, without having to peel.
2. Eggplant
In the eggplant skin are called phytonutrient content nasunin. This compound is a potent antioxidant that can overcome the damage to the skin caused by aging or disease. So, from now on when you should not be eating eggplant skin removed.
3. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes contain nutrients found in the skin, so if you are peeling you will lose nutrients such as vitamin C, Kalum, and beta-carotene.
4. Cucumber
Cucumber is one of the fruits that contain antioxidants. The antioxidant content, contained in the skin which serves to enhance the body's immune. In addition, the fiber content can also prevent constipation.
5. Carrots
The content of antioxidants found in carrots, all under the skin. So, when you want to eat carrots, should be washed alone, without having to deal with it.
6. Carrot Parsnip
Carrots are usually called white carrot, and it's not too sweet. Carrots are also the same as regular carrots, the antioxidants contained under the skin.
7. Apples
Apple skin is rich in fiber, so if you want to eat them, preferably without peeling the skin, then we will feel full faster, and digestion will go more smoothly. Apples are rich in quercitin skin, vitamin C, and triterpenoid that can fight cancer.
The content of the nutrients found in the skins of fruits and vegetables at the top proved to be beneficial for our health. Therefore we should not throw away the skin, and take advantage of the skins of fruits and vegetables.