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The charm and uniqueness of Tana Toraja Indonesia

Side-Green.Com - The charm and uniqueness of Tana Toraja Indonesia - Indonesia has a wealth of natural abundance. The beautiful and fertile land. Culture and customs are well maintained. One of them is Tana Toraja. Tana Toraja is known as the Land of The Dead Man That Living. Toraja society lives in a fertile valley with verdant rice paddy terracing and coffee plantations in the fertile, sheltered securely outside of high mountains and granite cliffs. Tana Toraja is one of the most beautiful places in Indonesia that hold magical power within the culture of Tana Toraja extravaganza as well as Lore Lindu National Park megalithic stones. Tana Toraja charm unfolds from the skull-the skull of a mysterious man, as well as dozens of Buffalo and pigs were slaughtered to death rituals (the Dead Man that Living).

The uniqueness of Tana Toraja is present on the site of the tomb of the chisel in the ancient cave, the tomb of Lemo in Londa, menhir in Rante Karassik, and ghetto Kete KesĂș unique. All rights in the culture of the Toraja people have great respect for the ancestors while maintaining the existence of the funeral. In 2004, thanks to its cultural wealth, Tana Toraja was included in the provisional list of world cultural heritage by UNESCO (World Heritage Inscription-C1038). Welcome this ceremony Party held Toraja society Toraja (Toraja Fiesta) in the art market Rantepoa, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi. The event presents a series of dances and the attractions of the 15 districts in Tana Toraja. Toraja Fiesta is one manifestation of Tuka, an expression of joy.

The charm and uniqueness of Tana Toraja Indonesia

The beauty of Toraja Land can be seen from a height with the charm of its natural beauty. The appeal arises from Tana Toraja society who maintain their traditions and belief in eternal life cycle and death on Earth. One of the natural resources of Tana Toraja is granite grey and blue mountains that surrounded the green trees. The Toraja are believed to be descendants of the Manor Lord who came down with the heavenly ladder to stay on Earth with beautiful natural scenery. Toraja's death rituals became famous that can last for days involves the entire population of the village. Not only at the time of mourning but also for entertainment events and fraternities existing community.
The charm and uniqueness of Tana Toraja Indonesia

Death rituals, held after the harvest is complete. Normally between July and September. While the ceremony was held during the life of the planting season in October. Then the funeral not do immediately, but postponed for several months, sometimes even years, stored in special houses until the right time and the availability of funds. You who came to the Toraja cultural uniqueness is also interested in on its ritual. Centered on the funeral and his tomb. While others choose to do trekking into the countryside around the Toraja are virtually untouched. Remote villages in the Toraja have a challenging River for rafting, sporting one of the Sa'dan River.

If you want to pay a visit to Tana Toraja, are expected to dress and customs value rules of the customs of the Toraja society. Traditional House of Tongkonan in Tana Toraja have hallways that are low. Visitors should bring a gift to homeowners, like smoking when it entered the Tongkonan. Enrekang, Tana Toraja Makale craft workmanship in the Highlands is an area that is surrounded by the cliffs of volcanic rock. A very beautiful landscape to take pictures.

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