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How to Plant Organic Tomatoes in Polybag

Side-Green.Com - How to Plant Organic Tomatoes in Polybag - Tomato is a native plant of Latin America that have 1 to 3 meters high. Tomatoes in the classification is one of the potato plant family. Today many people are starting to seriously grow tomatoes, because it has many benefits:

Steps Planting Tomatoes in Polybag

Here's how the cultivation of tomatoes you need to consider, including the following:

1. Selection of Tomato Seeds

 The characteristics of a good tomato seeds:
  1. Not disabled/injured
  2. Healthy, did not show the presence of pests/diseases
  3. Clean of dirt
  4. Seeds are not wrinkles
How to Plant Organic Tomatoes in Polybag
2. Seeding Tomato Seeds

After the process of selecting seed tomatoes, then, tomato seed sowing. After the seed grew and aged 7-10 days, tomato seedlings transferred into small pockets, then left for 17-21 days. Seedlings ready to be moved into a polybag.

3. Preparation of Polybag

Besides polybag, we also can use used sacks, pots, or bucket.
How to Plant Organic Tomatoes in Polybag

4. Preparation of Planting Media

Planting media used, soil, sand or rice husk ash, and fertilizer, with a ratio of 3: 2: 1. All the planting media is mixed evenly and incorporated into a polybag.

5. Planting

After the 30-day-old tomato seeds, then planting into polybag.

6. Care

Tomato plants that have been planted in polybags, placed in the shade. Once the new shoots grow, it can be transferred to polybags and then placed in to open yard, or in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight. Watering is done 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. To keep the tomato plants grow upright then mounted a crutch.

7. Fertilization

It is recommended to use organic fertilizers, so the tomatoes do not contain harmful chemicals.

8. Pests and Diseases 
  1. Caterpillar land, symptoms, stem fracture, resulting in collapse of tomato plants. Control by using organic pesticides, in the form of fermented soursop leaf and tobacco. Spray 2 days, in the afternoon.
  2. Armyworms, symptoms, there are white spots and holes in the leaves. control by natural enemies, or can also use organic pesticides.

Rotten leaves, symptoms, there are spots on the leaves, leaf shape is rather wet, soft, blackish green. Control with an organic fungicide spraying.

9. Harvesting

Tomato plants can be harvested at 60-100 days after planting.
How to Plant Organic Tomatoes in Polybag

Benefits of Tomatoes

Benefits of Tomatoes To Beauty
  1. Bleach the skin pores are large
  2. To deal with acne
  3. Reduce the oil on the face
  4. Remove blackheads
  5. Brighten and whiten skin
Benefits of Tomatoes for Health
  1. Reduce the risk of heart problems.
  2. Reduce the effects of fatigue and increase appetite.
  3. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, cervix, breast and endometrium.
  4. Keeping the work function of the eye due to aging.
  5. Lowering the risk of appendicitis.
  6. Helps maintain healthy liver, kidney, and facilitate defecation.
  7. Treating diarrhea.
  8. Increasing the volume of sperm in men.
  9. Help restore the function of the liver work.
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