Side Green - 5 Health Benefits of Walnuts for Us - Walnuts are not too familiar in Indonesian society. This nut has a savory and delicious taste. Besides having a delicious taste, it turns nut holds many benefits for health. some of them are able to improve cardiovascular health and is rich in antioxidants that are good for protecting your body from free radicals.
The benefits of walnuts above is not all, there are many benefits for health owned walnuts. It is as reported from which provide information on the benefits of walnuts for health.
1. Overcoming insomnia
Do you face the problem of insomnia? If so you could try eating a handful of walnuts. Because of this nut contains melatonin which serves to overcome insomnia.
2. Rich in Fiber and Protein
Walnuts are rich in fiber and protein and low fat content. So that the nut is ideal if consumed to run the diet program.
The benefits of walnuts above is not all, there are many benefits for health owned walnuts. It is as reported from which provide information on the benefits of walnuts for health.
1. Overcoming insomnia
Do you face the problem of insomnia? If so you could try eating a handful of walnuts. Because of this nut contains melatonin which serves to overcome insomnia.
2. Rich in Fiber and Protein
Walnuts are rich in fiber and protein and low fat content. So that the nut is ideal if consumed to run the diet program.
3. Protect the body from free radicals
The content of omega-3 contained in walnuts can protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Walnuts are also good for skin health because it can make the skin look healthy and shiny. Then the hair also becomes healthy, thick and shiny if you diligently eating walnuts.
4. Protect from eczema, psoriasis, asthma and rheumatism
Walnuts can protect your body from eczema, psoriasis, asthma and rheumatism.
5. Avoid Heart Attacks
Nuts are healthy for the heart because it contains no cholesterol. So the beans do not cause heart attacks.
Walnuts proved to have health benefits for your body, then there is no harm if you eat nuts regularly.
The content of omega-3 contained in walnuts can protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Walnuts are also good for skin health because it can make the skin look healthy and shiny. Then the hair also becomes healthy, thick and shiny if you diligently eating walnuts.
4. Protect from eczema, psoriasis, asthma and rheumatism
Walnuts can protect your body from eczema, psoriasis, asthma and rheumatism.
5. Avoid Heart Attacks
Nuts are healthy for the heart because it contains no cholesterol. So the beans do not cause heart attacks.
Walnuts proved to have health benefits for your body, then there is no harm if you eat nuts regularly.