Side Green - This is the 4 Calories Burning Foods Should Consumed Every Day - The body needs calories so that people can move with normal every day and organs function properly. However calories can be problematic if the amount is excessive in the body, one of which lead to obesity.
Many people do not realize that had consumed more calories than normal limits (2,000 calories / day) so that overweight is a problem almost everyone. One way to burn calories is to exercise. In addition, to burn calories can be done by eating certain types of food every day, especially at breakfast and dinner. Here are four types of food, as quoted from Boldsky.
Many people do not realize that had consumed more calories than normal limits (2,000 calories / day) so that overweight is a problem almost everyone. One way to burn calories is to exercise. In addition, to burn calories can be done by eating certain types of food every day, especially at breakfast and dinner. Here are four types of food, as quoted from Boldsky.
1. Chili
chili is one of the best foods to burn calories. The content of
capsaicin in chili peppers can increase metabolism, which helps the
process of burning calories becomes more effective. The burning process
typically lasts 20 minutes after eating chili. But remember, do not eat
too much spicy food because it can be harmful to the stomach. When the
meal, add a few slices of fresh chilli or chilli powder to your diet.
2. Fruit Containing Vitamin C
2. Fruit Containing Vitamin C
Fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons or limes have nutrients that can stimulate amino acid carnitine, amino acids are very important in the process of burning calories. Eat oranges, strawberries, guava, or other fruit contains vitamin C, 1-2 hours after a meal to prevent buildup of calories.
3. Salmon
Fish with savory and sweet flavors can multiply the production of leptin, a hormone responsible for controlling appetite and help you lose weight more effectively. Salmon is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial regulate blood sugar levels so that hunger can be controlled as well as calorie intake.
4. Honey
4. Honey
A wise choice if you replace sugar with honey as a sweetener food or drink. Honey is an excellent material to enhance the body's metabolism, which can boost calorie burning and weight loss excess. Add honey on bread wheat or mixed with hot tea at breakfast.