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The Life Cycle of Weaver Ants

Side-Green.Com - The Life Cycle of Weaver Ants - Here's about the life cycle of weaver ants in a colony form. Before starting the cultivation of weaver ants, we should first know the life of weaver ants, so that we understand exactly what we will do in the modern cultivation of weaver ants.

Weaver ants have a unique life cycle. Weaver ants reproduce by means of laying eggs, instead of giving birth. From these eggs hatch weaver ants are not directly, but through a long cycle in the nest, and therefore should be able to keep the weaver ant colonies during the cycle.

Weaver ants are very aggressive insects, because they have to protect their nests, which includes the members of the colony, which vary, from enemy attack.

Weaver ant colony starts from a queen ant that has been in marriage and then spawn throughout his life to breed. Weaver ants are animals that are social insects that live in trees, whether in forests, plantations, or rural settlements.

Weaver ant queen after marriage to a male, then will spawn in order to establish a new colony with a new nest. Weaver ant eggs from the queen to be treated, in order to develop into larvae and pupae, which later became the perfect weaver ants.

In addition to the queen, in the nest also contained sterile female ants, which served as the worker ants. In a colony, also live ant soldiers, that number reached hundreds, even thousands.

In defending his life, weaver ants live in communities by helping each other. Likewise, in making its nest, weaver ants use some kind of fine threads that have an adhesive such as glue, which is used to weave the leaves into the nest.

Weaver ants usually nest in a tall tree with broad leaves and bending or nesting on small-leaved trees but numerous so easily woven into the nest.

New nest inhabited by the queen will produce eggs for breeding colony. Queen ants are protected by soldiers. Worker ants in charge of collecting food to supply the queen.

In collecting food, weaver ants have a unique habit, namely maintaining a green beetle that can secrete a sweet liquid, weaver ants as food. Sweet liquid that has collected, will be brought to the nest for the queen. Insects were reared in the nest as a source of food for weaver ants include:
  1. Mealybug
  2. Lice green scales
  3. Lice white scales
  4. Lice white peach
  5. Lice drill
  6. Aphids
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