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How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag

Side Green - How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag - Planting medium is one of the important factors in the success of farming activities. Planting medium decisive influence plant growth and yield as well. Very diverse types of growing media. The development of science and technology in agriculture, raises various methods of farming, such as hydroponics and aeroponics.

The needs of the growing media at each different plant species. Fruit plants need a solid growth media in order to sustain the growth of relatively larger plants, while more leaf vegetable crops require the planting medium is loose, so that the roots can easily penetrate the soil.

Here are some of the planting medium that we use for the cultivation of organic vegetables in a polybag. The materials used are materials that are widely available in nature and can be our own. We make organic growing media and do not use additional chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other drugs, so that the resulting plants are very healthy and safe for consumption.

How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag

The following important functions of growing media for plants:
  1. sustain plant
  2. provide nutrients
  3. provide a place for plant roots to grow and thrive
Planting media provide most of the nutrients to the plant. On the cultivation of vegetables in a polybag, planting medium is made in lieu of land, also should be able to replace the function of the soil for plants.

Planting medium must have good physical properties, chemistry, and biology in accordance with the needs of the plant. No exception on vegetable crops. Good planting medium must have 4 terms, as follows:

How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag
  1. Good Growing media should be able to provide space for the roots to grow crops, while also able to sustain the plant. That is, the planting medium should be loose so that plant roots can grow good and perfect, but still pretty solid hold buttress roots and stems against buckling. If the media is too loose, root growth will be free, but the plant will be too easily uprooted. Conversely, if too dense, the roots will be difficult to grow.
  2. Planting media should be able to save water at the same time also have drainage (ability to drain water) and aeration (oxygen flow capability) are good. Planting medium should be able to retain soil moisture, but should be able to remove the excess water. Planting medium porous material having an empty cavity. The media is isa impermeable, so that no stagnant water in pots or polybags. On the other hand ronga-cavity must be able to absorb water (hygroscopic) to be stored as reserves and retains moisture.
  3. Planting media should be able to provide enough nutrients both macro and micro. Very important nutrient for plant growth. These nutrients can be supplied from fertilizer or activity of microorganisms contained in the planting medium.
  4. Good Growing media is that it does not contain germs, planting medium must be clean of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases contained in the planting medium can attack plants and cause death in plants. Planting medium should not be sterile because many soil microorganisms are actually very beneficial to plants, but it should be hygienic of germs.
How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag

Planting medium that we use widely available in our environment. The following organic growing media for vegetables that we use:

1. Soil

Good soil is the upper layer (top soil). There are two types of land, ie land of sand and clay. Sandy soil has good drainage capability and fast flowing water, but has a weakness, which can not store water in reserve. While the clay is impenetrable by water, so the water can be stagnant in the planting medium. Good soil for crops media is not too sandy and not too clays, but should be crumbly.

2. Compost

Compost is organic material that serves as a provider of plant nutrients. Compost is used for the planting medium is a solid compost. Almost all types of compost can be used as a growing medium. Compost can improve the physical structure of the soil and increase the cation exchange capacity. In case this is a mature compost. Immature compost still contain pests and diseases. Nutrients from the immature compost difficult absorbed by plants as yet unraveled maximum.

How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag

3. Humus

In lieu of compost, we can use the humus of the forest. Humus soil has a high nutrient content. We can get easily from the soil humus forest many plants ferns.

4. Manure

In addition to compost and humus forest, we can also use manure and green manure as a growing medium. But should we use manure or green that has matured and has been shaped like soil texture. Same with compost, manure can carry immature and panyakit pests on crops.

5. Charcoal husk

Husk charcoal made by burning bran. Combustion is done until all the burnt husk, but not to be gray. Husk useful to increase the capacity of the soil porosity. Husk is used as growing media mix that can improve soil structure. Husk is very good as planting media because:
  • Have particles that affect the movement of water, air, and keep the humidity
  • Can neutralize soil acidity
  • Can neutralize toxins
  • Increase the water holding capacity of the soil
  • Stimulate the growth of beneficial microbes to plants
  • Loosening the soil, which improves soil drainage and aeration
  • Charcoal husks better than rice husk, rice husk as already experienced burning, so that germs and pests have died
6. Coconut Fiber

Coconut coir and coco peat is very good as planting media, because it is like a husk. Coco planting medium suitable for use in dry areas with low rainfall. Coir is taken from the skin of an old coconut.
How to Make Growing Media to Grow Organic Vegetables in Polybag

Here is how to make growing media to grow organic vegetables:
  1. Prepare the upper soil dry and crumbly. Ayaklah up into fine granules. Ground in a dry state would not clot. Clumping soil will cause the materials can not be mixed evenly.
  2. Prepare compost, humus, manure, rice husk, or kokopit mature. Ayaklah up into granules.
  3. Combine all ingredients and mix well.
  4. As a vegetable planting medium in a polybag, preferably medium mixing ratio: 1: 1: 1.
  5. Growing media was ready for use.
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