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Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard

Side Green - Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard - Do you think that the used goods are useless. Precisely thrift provide a double benefit if used. As well as these used sacks. The double advantage is that if exploited, used sacks do not become hazardous waste for the environment because the plastic is not biodegradable. If used correctly it has an economic value for our family.

Used sacks of rice are widely available in our village. Each poor family in our village's quota of subsidized rice from the government. After the rice consumed, usually used sacks will be discarded by their owners or are usually left alone in the back of the house because it is useless, even considered as junk because of its small size. If for any goods containers also are less effective because it is small.

Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard

Looking at it, we thought, why not utilized? What for? Had crossed the minds us, when returning home to Pekalongan, in some villages there I see a lot of the home page that is filled with vegetables and drugs planted in polybags neatly arranged on bamboo racks.

Based on this, the idea to utilize the used sacks like what was done by the community Pekalongan, namely as a container vegetable crops and medicines.

Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard

Then we collect the used bags to every house and we bought at a price of Rp. 500.00 per share. First we get 100 sheets used sacks.

With a little hard work collecting garden soil and manure, then the two media are mixed until blended. The media mix and then we enter into the used sacks by half. Do not forget we also incorporate leaf litter strewn around the house, including unused coconut husk into a sack.

Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard

Planting medium is ready to use for growing a variety of vegetables organically, among which are mustard greens (caisim) and chilli.

Previously, we have to sow some seeds of mustard greens and chili, so after most of our sacks filled with planting medium, we immediately did the removal of plants from the nursery into a sack.

Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard

What we do can give you a blessing. In our opinion it is used sacks a blessing for our family. We have to use it since June 2014 to grow chillies, tomatoes, mustard greens, other vegetables, and herbs. Until now, these plants still flourish and give our organic fruits and vegetables healthy.

Besides being able to meet the needs of our kitchen will be vegetables, used sacks it also gives other blessing, due to excess consumption of vegetables that we can share with our neighbors in need, and even as a result quite a lot, in part also we sell to the needy.

Sacks Used to Grow Organic Vegetables in the Home Yard

Quite right? Is not that a blessing? Why do not we do? Starting today, we invite readers to creatively utilize the goods used in our homes in order to bring blessing.
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